HAA Show 2019: Saturday Night Party – Venetian Vampire Ball
$30 Pre-show | $35 On Site | BUY NOW
8:00 pm – 1:00 am (Buffet 8:00pm-10:00pm)
Convention Center Ballroom
As TransWorld’s Halloween & Attractions Show winds down… the party is just getting started! Grab your friends, your fangs, your favorite mask and prepare for a night of mystery and mayhem! Join us for a live DJ, dancing, door prizes, drinks (cash bar), appetizers and more, plus your party hosts & MC who always bring the FUN! Party with haunters from around the world and celebrate the end of another successful show. Costumes and creative attire ARE ALLOWED* and encouraged (but not required) as you party the night away at the final celebration of the 2019 Halloween & Attractions Show! Tickets are limited, and when they’re gone… they’re gone!
*The No Costumes Policy DOES NOT apply to this after hours event!